A temp agency is a job finding service that offers temporary and permanent work in a number of sectors. If you are interested in becoming a temporary worker you will need to establish which agency will have the type of positions you are interested in.  Initially you may wish to contact a few agencies in order to establish whether they have jobs available that would suit you.  Some agencies work with businesses within a certain area so it’s good to establish quickly whether they have work in your desired location.

You will need to send across your C.V. with a covering email introducing yourself and what you are looking for. Make sure you have an up-to-date C.V. with no gaps, if you do have gaps give an explanation as to why, i.e. time off to travel, maternity leave – etc. – See Blog – Why your C.V. is so important.

Most temp agencies offer permanent positions too, if you are interested in either always inform the agency as this will help broaden your opportunities to secure a position.

Sue Morgan



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